Children and their rights. A problem that always stroke a special chord in my heart. I hope that images from this series alongside some facts speak for those who cannot, those who are so often being silenced...
A big thank you to all the children: thank you for being your amazing selves, for sharing your heart-warming (and sometimes heart-breaking) stories.
And for letting me into your unique worlds of wonders. 
*To all the children and their parents, who agreed to participate  - I thank thee...
༄ Children's Rights ༄ 
New series, full of hope. For I will always have hope… Hope that together we can bring more awareness into the world. Hope for understanding a child's great vulnerability. Hope for freedom from abuse and fear… For every child. Everywhere.​​​​​​​
***And I want to dedicate this series to my Son. Even though I never even get to hold you in my arms, you are forever in my thoughts, in my memory and in my heart....***
Have you recently purchased something made from cotton? Something embroidered? Chocolate? Clothes? If so, there’s a good chance you’ve purchased something made from child labour.
It’s estimated that almost 200 million children* around the world are engaged in child labour. More than half of those (ages 5-17) are involved in particularly hazardous and dangerous work, carrying heavy loads in the construction industry or being exposed to toxic chemicals. Children inhale toxic dust as they mine the cobalt that powers the batteries we rely on for our phones, tablets and laptops. (source: *UNICEF ; ILO )
Child labour and slavery are so ingrained in the production of goods and services from so many countries, that it can be a real challenge to avoid it.

Here are just a few tips for helping end child labour:
- educate yourself and then share what you learn with friends, family, co-workers, and others,
- buy fair trade and sweatshop-free products whenever possible,
- buy used when you can’t; Or borrow, share, trade, make it yourself etc.
- support humane, sustainable practices that don’t include child labour,
- look for certified fair trade labels to ensure that you’re supporting positive practices that don’t involve child labour
- Think: ethical consumerism
- educate others: give presentations to schools, non-profits and other groups to educate them about child labour issues and encourage positive action.

Remember: change starts within each one of us…
Millions of children experience physical and emotional abuse on a daily basis.
And I don’t mean only remote, conflict-hit corners of the world. Violence is not a rarity and respecting children and their rights isn’t built into the genes of our society, so it seems..
Children are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, often by the very adults who are directly responsible for their development.. The results? Devastating. The brain development of children who are victims of violence is affected – some show similar brain activity to soldiers exposed to combat. A third of children who are victims of violence are likely to develop long-lasting symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.*
"Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, whether or not these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live."*

Child marriage
"Every year at least 12 million girls - 23 girls every minute - are married before they reach eighteen. India has the largest number of child brides in the world - 1/3 of the global total. Children are often married off as a way to financially support their family." (Source: UNICEF)

Break the Silence & indifference to child’s suffering. What can YOU do to support young human’s rights?
Talk about it, Spread the word, Report it, Join the movement.
Young people deserve to have someone on their side and someone to stand up for them.
Every Child has the right to life
"Each day more than 10,000 children die of hunger and related causes..."* 
(John Holmes UN's Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs )

"In the world's poorest countries, slightly more than 1 in 5 children are engaged in child labour that is considered detrimental to their health and development."
(UNICEF's Data on Child Labour, V 2022)​​​​​​​
"No one has the right to treat you in a harmful, cruel or degrading way."

(Source: 'Claim your rights - A guide for Youth' by AMNESTYUK)

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